星期五, 6月 19, 2009

Multidisciplinary Evaluation


有2位人員做評估,Occupational Therapist & Speech Therapist(只負責Speech and Language Skills的部份).

Using My Hands and Moving My Body (Motor Skills)
JD’s motor skills were assessed with the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development III Screening Test.
JD’s fine motor skills were assessed in the competent range. He is able to stack two blocks and scribble at home. He also demonstrated the ability to pick up tiny objects with his fingertips and point his index finger.
JD’s gross motor skills were assessed as being very well developed at the high end of the competent range. He is stable on his feet for walking and stooping to pick up a toy from the floor. He is also beginning to walk on stairs.
Things I find difficult or need help with:
There are no concerns in this area at this time

Understanding and Communicating (Speech and Language Skills)
JD follows 1 step directions well.
He responds to his name.
He enjoys fingerplays and songs by attempting to.
Understands prepositions of in and on.
He identifies three body parts (nose, ears, and belly button).
He uses an object in more than one way.
Identifies a variety of objects during play.
Things I find difficult or need help with:
There are no concerns in this area at this time

Playing, Thinking, and Exploring (Cognitive Skills)
JD’s play skills were assessed with the Westby Symbolic Play Scale. He demonstrated age appropriate play skills.
· JD is able to put five different shapes into his shape sorter at home.
· He is beginning to scribble and can stack a couple of blocks.
· JD has a play phone that he puts to his ear and pushes buttons. He pretends to take drinks and fed a baby doll in imitation of the examiner.

JD’s cognitive were assessed with the Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development III Screening Test. He demonstrated competent skills.
· JD was able to put a couple of pegs into a pegboard. He could figure out how to obtain a desired object from under a clear box with one open side.
· He was also able to take objects out of and put them back into a container.
Things I find difficult or need help with:
There are no concerns in this area at this time

Relating to Others (Social/Emotional Skills)
· JD is around other children at church and with the children of friends. He usually tries to touch them or he might push them while playing(應該說,他和其他小孩同時都很想玩同一個玩具時,就有可能會去推別人一下下).
· He is a shy boy who needs a little time to warm up to a new situation before getting comfortable.
Things I find difficult or need help with:
There are no concerns in this area at this time

Eating, Dressing, Toileting (Self-Help Skills)
· JD enjoys bath time.
· He sleeps well
· JD can take off his socks.
· He puts his diaper in the trash at home. JD can eat a variety of foods.

Things I find difficult or need help with:
JD has trouble gaining weight. Sometimes he goes in for weight checks.


照理說在做Multidisciplinary Evaluation之前,是要先做聽音測試的,因為有人取消appointment,所以JD提前做評估(聽音測試的appointment是在8月初), 但也因為JD不符合需要Speech Therapy的條件,所以就不用做聽音測試了.

此次是以17個月的月齡評估的(JD是在第34/35週出生),語言遲緩大約5個月,但還不需要speech therapy,在家裏多加強多做一些功課就可以了. Speech Therapist 說媽媽還是繼續保持用中文,爸爸用英文和JD溝通.

*Speech Therapist 建議跟JD講話時要縮短字的表達,比如JD還想要多吃什麼,就清楚慢慢地跟他說"more",如果他有任何嘗試表達要說的時候,要讚美鼓勵他,即使發音不是很清楚,正確.

*可使用簡單的baby sign language(Remember! Sign language is a temporary tool. The goal is to teach your child that communication works. That magic word got him/her the cracker, even if his/her fingers were doing the talking. As children get comfortable with using a sign, they eventually add a sound to the sign, add a word to the sign, and then stop using the sign when it is no longer needed.)

*Should be starting some two-word sentences at age 2. If not, bring him back for another evaluation.

*要用吸管(杯)不要用bottle & sippy cup.(S.T.有特別說明,因為用bottle & sippy cup 要用舌頭去吸喝,舌頭就會常常頂向嘴唇上下牙床之間,這樣會影響到語言學習的發音,以後也很容易會走上需要牙齒矯正之路).

*另外Occupational Therapist建議在白天玩的時間,給JD幾個玩偶讓他有模仿與他人溝通,講話的機會.(JD只有睡覺時有機會抱他的動物填充玩偶)





5 個意見:

2009年7月7日 晚上9:21 , Anonymous 小蘋果 提到...


奇怪,為什麼在台灣的親友都愛問,如果一歲半和兩歲的小孩不說話,就一直覺得有問題呢? 美國這邊的親友好像沒聽到人有這樣的困擾耶!

2009年7月7日 晚上9:23 , Anonymous 小蘋果 提到...

對了,這樣一次評估,是花一天還是半天? 據我的經驗,這種評估,有時候半天做不完.

2009年7月7日 晚上11:51 , Anonymous truth 提到...

我看的一本信誼親子手冊裡也有提到, 一旦小孩語言能力開始有起色, 或明顯很主動愛說話後, 就儘量少再對他們說像是"車車"(車子), "飯飯"(飯), "投投"(企投)之類的單字(這些例子是我自己舉的啦).

因為語言是健康手冊中, 一歲半到兩歲之間的重要評估.

2009年7月8日 凌晨1:18 , Anonymous 小蘋果 提到...

原來台灣的健康手冊有寫啊! 難怪一堆人在問..

2009年7月28日 下午2:30 , Blogger JD 提到...





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